Monday, July 26, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

2 set

Banded Diagonal Walks x 10 each (

Banded Face Pulls x 15

12 KB Sumo RDL + 12 KB Goblet Step Up (6/6)

Wall Supported Handstand x 20-30 Seconds

B) 3 Sets:

Back Squat x 8

Wt. Hanging Knee Raises x 10-20

C) 4 Rds For Time:

12 DB Lunge (6/6)

9 DB Hang Clean & Jerk

6 DB Front Squat

24 Sit Ups


Metcon (Time)

2 set

Banded Diagonal Walks x 10 each (

Banded Face Pulls x 15

12 KB Sumo RDL + 12 KB Goblet Step Up (6/6)

Wall Supported Handstand x 20-30 Seconds

With this cycle it is crucial to be able to AUTO REGULATE. Meaning listen to your body and allow yourself to adjust from day to day. Loading and weights will fluctuate throughout this naturally. Don’t let you ego run the show, be an aware and competent athlete.

B) 3 Sets:

Push Press x 10 (Build quickly to today’s 10 RM)

Band Pull a Parts x 15-20

1 Set:

Push Press x 10 @90% of today’s 10 RM

C) 3 Sets:

Back Squat x 10 (Build quickly to today’s 10 RM)

1 Set:

Back Squat x 10 @90% of today’s 10 RM

3 Rds

25 GHD Sit Ups

50 ft. Handstand Walk

100 ft. DB Walking Lunge (25 ft. forward, 25 ft. backwards, 25 ft. forward, 25 ft. backwards)

2-3 Sets:

DB Overhead Triceps Extensions x 12

Seated Elbow on Knee External Rotation x 8-12

Banded Snow Angels x 8 each