Friday, June 18, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE x 15 each

Banded Face Pulls x 15

Hindu Push Up x 10

Banded Good Morings x 15

Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15

5 Medball Squat Jump to Overhead Vertical Toss

5 Sets (Every 2 Minutes)

3 Clean Deadlift

3 Hang Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Shoulder to Overhead

3 Squat Clean

*Goal is to increase from last week


5 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes

5 Deadlift

5 Russian KB Swing

5 Double DB Front Squat

5 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead

*Goal is to increase from last week

5 Rds For Time:

200m Run

15 Slam Ball

10 Box Jump Overs

Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE x 15 each

Banded Face Pulls x 15

Hindu Push Up x 10

Banded Good Morings x 15

Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15

5 Medball Squat Jump to Overhead Vertical Toss

5 Sets (Every 2 Minutes)

3 Clean Deadlift

3 Hang Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Shoulder to Overhead

3 Squat Clean

*Goal is to increase from last week


5 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes

5 Deadlift

5 Russian KB Swing

5 Double DB Front Squat

5 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead

*Goal is to increase from last week

5 Rds For Time:

200m Run

15 Slam Ball

10 Box Jump Overs


Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Banded TKE x 15 each

Banded Face Pulls x 15

Hindu Push Up x 10

Banded Good Morings x 15

Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15

5 Medball Squat Jump to Overhead Vertical Toss

Repetition Leg

B) 6 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

Snatch from Blocks

Set 1 = 3 @ 65-70%

Set 2 = 2 @ 70-75%

Set 3 = 1 @ 75-80%

Set 4 = 3 @ 70-75%

Set 5 = 2 @ 75-80%

Set 6 = 1 @ 80+%

C) 5 Sets (Every 2 Minutes)

Barbell Cycling @ 50-65% of Clean & Jerk

3 Clean Deadlift

3 Hang Power Clean

3 Front Squat

3 Shoulder to Overhead

3 Squat Clean

*Goal is to increase from last week.

2-3 Sets:

6 Front Foot Elevated Back Rack Lunge

12 Barbell RDL

24 Goblet Box Pistol (12/12) (

3 Sets

500m Row

5 Box Jump Overs (No Touch)

50 ft. Sled Push (Heavy)

5 Box Jump Overs (No Touch)

500m Row

Rest 3 Minutes