We will be doing normal Saturday schedule with the 9am and 10:05 class! Closed Sunday Running a modified schedule on Monday since most of you have the day off! Monday we will be doing a 9am and 10am only!Read More
It has been a great week, full of LOTS of tough workouts. I just wanted to take a minute and congratulate EVERYONE on working so hard this week! We have had a lot of strength and then a crazy endurance workout yesterday and everyone has really pushed themselves and broken through a lot of mental...Read More
Brandon’s Birthday WOD: We are gonna make it a tradition on everyone’s birthday that we create a WOD just for you. The cirteria are: Your favorite exercise or type(i.e bodyweight or squat) Your least favorite What you need the most work on So in honor of Brandon’s birthday I wrote this WOD for him....Read More
WOD: 1 Rd For Time: 100 Thurster’s 95#/65# Evil Wheel * With a continuous clock complete 100 thrusters, however at the beginning of every minute complete 5 Evil Wheels. Time stops when you complete 100 Thurster’s. Results: Andrea: 9:47 (35#) Aaron: 16:37 as Rx’d Amie: 19:18 (50 @ 45#, 50 @ 35# 1/2 done with...Read More
* Remember starting tomorrow we will be adding an 8:00 am class that is dedicated to working on the things you suck at. Feel free to come in and get help with anything that is troubling you, this will basically be an open gym and coaching will be available. WOD: As many Rds as possible in...Read More
Benchmark Friday WOD: “Helen” 3 Rds For Time: Run 400 meters 21 KB Swing 55#/35# 12 Pull Ups Extra Credit: 125 Sit Ups (anyway you can get you just don’t stop) Results: Jake: 12:52 as Rx’d Andrea: 14:18(1st round 35lbs, 2nd/3rd with 20lbs. 3 band assist pull up) Aaron 14:19 as Rx’d Court: 13:46 as...Read More
WOD: 4 Rds for Time of: 25 Single Arm DB Snatch Rt Arm 45#/25# Run 100 Meters Forwards Run 100 Meters Backwards 25 Single Arm DB Snatch Lt Arm 45#/25# Run 100 Meters Forwards Run 100 Meters Backwards Extra Credit: 3 Rds Not for Time of: 20 Evil Wheel 20 Good MorningsRead More
WOD: 3-3-3-3-3 Overhead Squat * Find your 3 rep max Overhead Squat, let the first two sets be solid working sets. Try and aim for your PR around set 4, and get that new PR at 5. Make sure you concentrate on good form and technique, push your shoulders to the ears and create that...Read More