
WOD: 10 rounds for time of: 10 Pull-ups 10 Dips 10 Sit-ups 10 Squats
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WOD: 5 Rds For Time of: 100 Double Unders 20 Burpees Extra Credit: 2 Rds Not For Time of: 30 Romain Deadlift (RDL) 30 KB Swings (Russian Swings) 55#/35# Results: Amie: 30:07 Jake: 29:31 Shanon: 30:00 Aaron: 30:31 (21:30 @ 3 rounds with double unders) Nick: 35:09 (50 DU/150 singles) Rick: 37:14  (20 DU/240 singles) Geoege: 36:09 (300 singles) Cajeme: 38:16 as Rx’d Court: 23:03 as Rx’d Ed: 36:45 (300 singles)  Jolene: 35:22 (50 DU/150 singles) Ok everyone I know we’re feeling a bit beat up right now, but keep working.  Today’s WOD is definitely geared more towards endurance so push through.  Make sure you take your time on the double unders; that doesn’t mean go slow, it means don’t rush them.  Take your time and find a rhythm, snap your wrists and let the jump rope pass under your feet.  For those of you doing a tuck jump version, lift...
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Brandon’s Birthday WOD: We are gonna make it a tradition on everyone’s birthday that we create a WOD just for you. The cirteria are: Your favorite exercise or type(i.e bodyweight or squat) Your least favorite What you need the most work on   So in honor of Brandon’s birthday I wrote this WOD for him. He will be joining the 5:15am class to do this one with you all! For Time: Run 800 Meters then 21-15-9  of (95#/ 65#) Hang clean Pull-ups Finish with 800 meters Results: Russ: 22:45 (75#) Jake: 15:47 as Rx’d Aaron: 16:13 as Rx’d Shannon: 15:50 (85#) Brandon: 13:20 (135#) Rick 18:13 (with suspine Row) Athena: 17:55 (25#/4 bands +) Jay: 20:37 (665#/3 bands) Dan: 20:57 (65#/4 bands +) Court: 16:43 (55#)  Karmen: 28:15 (11 reps with 65#, then rest with 55#, time inculdes time to change weight) Susan: 21:35 as Rx’d Thank you so much...
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WOD: 1 Rd For Time: 100 Thurster’s 95#/65# Evil Wheel * With a continuous clock complete 100 thrusters, however at the beginning of every minute complete 5 Evil Wheels.  Time stops when you complete 100 Thurster’s. Results: Andrea: 9:47 (35#) Aaron: 16:37 as Rx’d Amie: 19:18 (50 @ 45#, 50 @ 35# 1/2 done with 5 evil wheels, 1/2 done with 2 per minute) Shannon: 17:44 (75#) George: 13:47 (75#) Court: 20: 49 (55#) Russ: 27:02 (65#) Jolene 22:45 (50 reps @ 45/ 50 reps @ 40) Susan: 14:08 Karmen: 14:48 
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* Remember starting tomorrow we will be adding an 8:00 am class that is dedicated to working on the things you suck at.  Feel free to come in and get help with anything that is troubling you, this will basically be an open gym and coaching will be available. WOD: As many Rds as possible in 20 minutes: 5 Push Press 10 Inverted Row 15 Wall ball 20 (10 ea leg) Split Squat Switch Extra Credit: With a partner complete 100 Russian Medicine ball Oblique tosses ea. side Results: Aaron: 7 Rounds +21 reps Susan: 6 Rounds + 15 reps Ed: 6 Rounds +15 reps Chris: 5 Rounds + 15 reps Julie: 5 Round + 15reps Jake: 7 Rounds +25 reps Jolene: 7 Rounds + 6 reps Glendon: 7 Rounds + 15 reps
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