WOD: 5 Rds For Time of: 100 Double Unders 20 Burpees Extra Credit: 2 Rds Not For Time of: 30 Romain Deadlift (RDL) 30 KB Swings (Russian Swings) 55#/35# Results: Amie: 30:07 Jake: 29:31 Shanon: 30:00 Aaron: 30:31 (21:30 @ 3 rounds with double unders) Nick: 35:09 (50 DU/150 singles) Rick: 37:14 (20 DU/240 singles) Geoege: 36:09 (300 singles) Cajeme: 38:16 as Rx’d Court: 23:03 as Rx’d Ed: 36:45 (300 singles) Jolene: 35:22 (50 DU/150 singles) Ok everyone I know we’re feeling a bit beat up right now, but keep working. Today’s WOD is definitely geared more towards endurance so push through. Make sure you take your time on the double unders; that doesn’t mean go slow, it means don’t rush them. Take your time and find a rhythm, snap your wrists and let the jump rope pass under your feet. For those of you doing a tuck jump version, lift...
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