
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 2 Sets: Blackburns x 5 Prone Iso YTW Hold x 15-20 Seconds each Banded Clamshells x 5 each Banded Glute Bridge x 10 RKC Plank Hold x 45 Seconds Overhead Squat @3111 x 10 B) 5 Sets: 3 Position Snatch + Overhead Squat C) For Time: 250 ft. Plate/Sled Push (10x25ft.) *EMOM including 0:00 Perform 7 DB Deadlifts 45/30 5 DB Hang Power Clean 3 DB Shoulder to Overhead *If no sled perform 1200m row or 2400m Bike Competition Metcon (Distance) 2 Sets: Blackburns x 5 Prone Iso YTW Hold x 15-20 Seconds each Banded Clamshells x 5 each Banded Glute Bridge x 10 RKC Plank Hold x 45 Seconds Overhead Squat @3111 x 10 B) 3 Sets: 1 1/4 Bench Press x 2 (Build to today’s 2RM) 1 1 /4 Bulgarian Split Squat x 5 each C) 3 Sets: 3...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 1 Sets: Ring YTW x 6 each Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 ( Banded Triple Threat x 6-8 Side Lying Hip Adduction x 20 each Wrist Banded Shoulder Press x 10 B) 3 Sets: Nuetral Grip DB Bench Press x 8 Prone Flat Bench Tempo DB Row @2112 x 8 *This is our 3rd week through this progressive reps cycle. Goal is to use at least the weight that you used for 6 reps last week. C) For Time: 8 Rds 4 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35 4 Toe to Bar 6 Rds: 6 Burpee to 6” target 6 Cal Row/Bike 4 Rds: 8 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35 8 Toe to bar 2 Rds: 10 Burpee to 6” Target 10 Cal Row/Bike Metcon (Time) A) 1 Sets: Bent Over YTW Raise x 6 each Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 (
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 2 set Banded Forward/Backwards Zombie Walk x 10 each Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs x 10-15 Banded Glute Bridge x 10 Supinated Banded Pull a Parts x 10 each Medball Overhead Slam to Wall Ball for Height x 5 Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Carry x 50 yards each 3 Sets: Tempo Front Squat @2111 x 4 Rest 30 Seconds RNT DB Split Squat @2111 x 8 each Rest 2 Minutes For Reps (Record Results) 1 Minute AMRAP Toes to Bar (If unable to perform toe to bar, you can perform toe to ring, or hanging knee raises. For Knee Raises, knees must come above sternum.) AMRAP in 10 Minutes 10 Burpee 10 V-Ups 100m Run Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 2 set Banded Forward/Backwards Zombie Walk x 10 each Banded Straight Arm Pull Downs x...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (Time) a Partner Perform: 3 Rds: 40 Wall Balls 30 Pull Ups 20 Bench Press 135/95 Run 400m 2 Rds: 40 Wall Balls 30 Pull Ups 20 Bench Press 165/110 400m Run 1 Rd: 40 Wall Balls 30 Pull Ups 20 Bench Press 185/125 B) 2-3 Sets 15 Bent Over Double DB Row 20 Band Pull a Parts 30 Bicycle Crunch (
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 1 Sets: Banded TKE x 10 Banded Spanish Squat x 10 ( Ring YTW x 6 each Supine Reverse Plank x 10 Medball Overhead Slam x 10 4 Sets: (Alternate Movements Every 2 Minutes) Station 1 = 3 Position Power Clean (Above knee, at knee, floor) Station 2 = 2 Shoulder Press + 3 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk AMRAP in 15 Minutes: 2 Sandbag/Slamball to Shoulder or 2 Barbell Power Clean 4 Ring Muscle Ups or 4 Burpee Pull Ups 8 KB Swings 12 Pistols or Alternating Lunge (6/6) Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 1 Sets: Banded TKE x 10 Banded Spanish Squat x 10 ( Ring YTW x 6 each Supine Reverse Plank x 10 Medball Overhead Slam x 10 B) 3 Sets: 3 Muscle Snatch + 3...
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