
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) For Time: “12 Days of Christmas” 1 Rope Climb or 3 Strict Pull Ups 2 Squat Clean 155/105 3 Muscle Up or Dip 4 Burpee 5 Pull Up 6 DB Push Press 45/30 7 Toe to Bar 8 Wall Balls 9 Deadlift 155/105 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 11 Handstand Push Ups or Push Ups 12 DB Devils Press 45/30 *Like the song “12 Days of Christmas.” Complete each exercise in ascending order, then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. So perform 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etx. All the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Competition Metcon (Time) For Time: “12 Days of Christmas” 1 Rope Climb 2 Squat Clean 185/125 3 Muscle Up 4 Burpee 5 Chest to Bar Pull Up 6 DB Push Press 50/35 7 Toe to Bar 8 Wall Balls 9 Deadlift 185/125...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (No Measure) A) A) 2 Sets: Banded Face Pulls x 10 Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts x 10 Single Arm Upright Row x 10 each Into 1 Set Banded Mini Band Glute Activation Series 10 Side step R/L 10 Forward/Backwards Walk R/L 10 Glute Bridges 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges R/L 10 Bird Dogs R/L 10 Squats B) 3 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Hang Power Clean + 3 Seconds Eccentric to Floor + Power Clean Into: 7 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Power Clean x 3 C) 3 Sets: Single Leg RDL or Split Stance RDL x 8 each Bent Over DB Lateral Raise x 16 DB Hammer Curl x 8 Feet Anchored Turkish Sit Up x 16 Competition Metcon (No Measure) A) 2 Sets: Banded Face Pulls Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts Single Arm Upright Row x 12 each Into...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 3 Sets: 3 Position Bench Press x 4-6 each (Wide Grip, Normal Grip, Narrow (Directly Under Shoulders) Pulling Option: 1) 3-5 Muscle Up 2) 5-10 Strict Pull Up 3) 5 Wt. Pull Up 4) 10-15 Kipping Pull Up 5) 1-2 Rope Climbs For Time: 3 Rds: 30-25-20 Wall Ball 100m Run Into 3 Rds 30-25-20 KB Swing 100m Run Competition Metcon (Time) For max reps: Push Press @ 10X3 @ 50-55% of 1RM Jerk Rest 60 seconds Push Jerk Rest 2 minutes Push Press @ 10X3 @ 40-45% of 1RM Jerk Rest 60 seconds Push Jerk Rest 2 minutes Push Press @ 10X3 @ 30-35% of 1RM Jerk Rest 60 seconds Push Jerk Rest 2 minutes The tempo is essential – This is NOT the same as a couple weeks ago. Today is no pause in the bottom of the dip....
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (No Measure) 3 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes) Station 1 = Back Rack Step Back Lunge x 6 each Station 2 = Barbell Hip Thrusts x 12 Station 3 = 1 Minute Rest 3 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes) Station 1 = Alternating DB Arnold Press x 6-8 Each Station 2 = Double DB Front Raise + Double DB Lateral Raise + Double DB Upright Row x 6-8 (Complete the whole complex 6-8 times) Station 3 = 1 Minute Rest C) 3 Sets: Minute 1 = Wt. Wall Sit x 30-45 Seconds Minute 2 = Quadruped Shoulder Taps x 20-40 Seconds Minute 3 = Rest Competition Metcon (Time) 2 Sets: Snatch Grip Sotts Press@2111 x 2 Into: 2 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) 2 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press + 2 Overhead Squat w/2 Second pause at bottom of each squat Into: 2...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) With a Partner Perform: For Time: (35 Minute Cap) Accumulate 23,000 lbs Deadlift 75 Partner Medball Sit Up Tosses Accumulate 23,000 lbs Shoulder to Overhead 75 Partner Medball Sit Up Tosses Accumulate 23,000 lbs Back Squat *Ladies is 15,000. 1) You may choose any weight you wish to lift. For example you can choose to lift 115/75 for 200 reps. Your choice you can go lighter and perform more reps or you can go heavier and perhaps a little slower. 2) You may also choose to go in any order, however once you start a movement you must finish that entire movement before moving onto the next. 3) 1 person works at a time. Competition Metcon (Time) With a Partner Perform: For Time: Accumulate 25,000 lbs Deadlift 75 GHD Sit Ups Accumulate 25,000 lbs Shoulder to Overhead 75 GHD Sit Ups...
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