
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) Mini Band/Banded Shoulder Series 10 Banded Lateral Steps (Each) 10 Supinated Grip Band Pull a Parts 10 Steps Banded Monster Walk Forward/Backwards (Each) 10 Supinated Grip Diagonal Band Pull a Parts 10 Banded Glute Bridges (Just below knee) 10 Supinated Grip Elbows by side external Rotation 10 Single Leg Banded Glute Bridges (Each) 10 Overhead Band Pull a Parts 10 Banded Bird Dogs 10 Banded Pass Through 10 Banded Squats 3 Sets: Sumo Deadlift @ 21×1 x 7 *Perform all Sets at the same weight. If you performed last weeks deadlifts use the same weight. Banded Pallof Press x 6-8 each (Perform slow and controlled. Keep chest up, knees bent with focus on bracing, breathing and stability) AMRAP in 12 Minutes 12 Front Squat 95/65 6 Burpee 12 Toe to Bar 24 Double Unders Competition Metcon...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 15 Minutes 3 Deadlift 225/155 5 Pull Ups 7 Wall Ball *Partner B Runs 100m, picks up where Partner A left off. Rest 3 Minutes 6 Sets (3 each) 16 Alternating Single Leg V-Up (8/8) 16 Russian Twist (8/8) In Remaining Time Hollow/Tuck Hold *Partner 75m Farmers Carry Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 15 Minutes 3 Deadlift 225/155 5 Pull Ups 7 Wall Ball *Partner B Runs 100m, picks up where Partner A left off. Rest 3 Minutes 6 Sets (3 each) 16 Alternating Single Leg V-Up (8/8) 16 Russian Twist (8/8) In Remaining Time Hollow/Tuck Hold *Partner 75m Farmers Carry
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Wall Press Dead Bug x 5 each Blackburns x 5 Push Up + Scapular Push Up x 5 Banded Face Pulls x 10 1 minute Jump Rope B) For Time: (10 Minute Cap) 3 Rds: 10 Strict Handstand Push Up 10 DB Hang Power Clean 50/35 50 Double Under Rest 1 Minute 3 Rds: 10 Handstand Push Up (Kipping) 10 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50/35 50 Double Under C) 3 Sets: Close Grip Bench Press x 6 (Use the same weight for all 3 sets, place hands directly inline with shoulders) Band Pull a Parts x 20 Competition Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Wall Press Dead Bug x 5 each Blackburns x 5 Push Up + Scapular Push Up x 5 Banded Face Pulls x 10 1 minute Jump Rope B) 3 Sets: 3 Tall Jerk + 3...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) For Time: 50 Sit Ups 25 Supine Row 400m Run 40 Sit Ups 20 Supine Row 300m Run 30 Sit Ups 15 Supine Row 200m Run 20 Sit Ups 10 Supine Row 100m Run 10 Sit Ups 5 Supine Row
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Single Arm DB Upright Row x 8 each 8 Point Plank x 15-20 Seconds Arch Hollow Swings x 5 Med Ball Vertical Toss x 5 B) 2 Sets: AMRAP in 5 Minutes 300/250m Row or .5 mile Bike 9 Burpee In Remaining Time AMRAP 5 Back Squat (From Rack) 205/135 7 Ring Dip Rest 2 minutes Between Sets Rest 3 Minutes C) 2 Sets For Reps AMRAP in 5 Minutes: 300/250m Row or .5 Mile 9 Burpee In Remaining Time AMRAP : 12 DB Lunges (6/6) 9 Russian KB Swings 70/55 Rest 2 Minutes Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Single Arm DB Upright Row x 8 each 8 Point Plank x 15-20 Seconds Arch Hollow Swings x 5 Med...
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