
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) With a Partner Complete For Time: P1 = 21 Alternating DB Snatch 55/35 P2 = 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 36 Partner Medball Sit Up Toss P1 = 15 Burpee Box Jump Over P2 = 21 Alternating DB Snatch 36 Partner Medball Sit Up Toss P1 = 15 Alternating DB Snatch P2 = 12 Burpee Box Jump Over 27 Partner Medball Sit Up Toss P1 = 12 Burpee Box Jump Over P2 = 15 Alternating DB Snatch 27 Partner Medball Sit Up Toss P1 = 9 Alternating DB Snatch P2 = 9 Burpee Box Jump Over 18 Partner Medball Sit Up Toss P1 = 9 Burpee Box Jump Over P2 = 9 Alternating DB Snatch 18 Partner Medball Sit Up Toss *partners will work on opposite movements. P1 = Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch P2 = Burpee Box Jump Overs....
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (2 Rounds for time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 10 Wall Balls for Height Supine Ring Scapular Rows x 5 Supine Ring Row x 5 @2111 10 Single Arm Hand to Hand Russian KB Swings 5 Medball Overhead Slam to Medball Vertical Toss B) 5 Sets: Barbell or DB Thrusters x 5-4-3-2-1 (Building, focus on technique and speed) Arch/Hollow Swings x 5 each Band Pull a Parts x 15 C) For Time: “Jackie” 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups Competition Metcon (3 Rounds for time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 10 Wall Balls for Height 10 Single Arm KB Snatch (5/5) 5 Medball Overhead Slam to Medball Vertical Toss Lower Body Muscular Endurance B) 6 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds) Power Clean + Jerk from...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (No Measure) :30 Neck Rolls (R/L) :30 Shoulder Rolls (Forward/Backward) :30 Small Arm Circles (Forward/Backward) :30 Big Arm Circles (Forward/Backward) :30 Hip Circles (R/L) :30 Knee Circles (R/L) :30 Ankle Circles (Right Foot/Left Foot) :30 Calf Raises 1:00 Toe Touches (Standing – reaching towards the floor. Similar to a deadlift, but rounding the back is okay. Ease into this) 1:00 Lunge Elbow to the Floor 1:00 Alternating Bodyweight RDLs 1:00 Upward Dog to Downward Dog 1:00 Alternating Calf Stretches (In Downward Dog Pose) :30 Alternating Leg V-Ups :30 Cat Cows 1:00 Hip Bridges -Into- 3 Sets: @Easy Pace 1 Minute Jumping Jacks Or Single Unders 1 Minute Jumping Air Squats 1 Minute Hand Release Push Ups 1 Minute Sit Ups
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 2 Sets: Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each GHD Hip Extension x 10-15 Goblet Cossack Squat @2211 x 5 Alternating Single Leg V-Ups x 10 ea. A1) 8 Sets:: (Every 90 Seconds) 4 Over Bar Burpee 2 Position Snatch (Above knee, Floor) Rest 3 Minutes AMRAP in 11 Minutes 6 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerk each 9 Single Arm DB Chainsaw Row each ( 12 Feet Anchored Weighted Sit Ups 24 Double Unders *Choose weight, let it be moderate to heavy. Ideally use the same weight for all 3 weighted movements. Competition Metcon (No Measure) A) 2 Sets: Iso YTW Hold x 15 Seconds Each Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each GHD Hip Extension x 10-15 Goblet Cossack Squat @2211 x 5 Alternating Single...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 1 Sets: Bent Over Banded Row ( x 10 Single Arm DB Upright Row x 12 Tempo Push Up w/3 second hold 2″ off the ground @ 2311 x 5 Scapular Pull Ups x 5 Arch/Hollow Swings x 5 Squat Jump x 5 B) 3 Sets: (Every 2 Minutes) Push Press or Push Jerk Set 1 = 5 Reps @ 40% Set 2 = 5 Reps @ 50% Set 3 = 5 Reps @ 60% Banded Face Pulls x 15 C) AMRAP in 20 Minutes: 200m Run 20 Strict Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Air Squats 300m Run 15 Strict Pull Ups 25 Push Ups 35 Air Squats 400m Run 10 Strict Pull Ups 20 Push Ups 30 Air Squats Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) A) 1 Sets: Bent Over Banded Row (
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