
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10 Banded Good Mornings x 15 Goblet Squat @ 3211 x 6-8 Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15 4 Sets: Overhead Squat or Front Squat x 8-6-4-4 Banded Pallof Press x 8 each C) 3 Rds For Time: 50 Double Unders 10 Overhead Squat 135/95 or Front Squat 185/125 D) Optional 2 Sets: Single Leg DB RDL x 8-10 Seated or Prone Banded Hamstring Curls x 20-30 Competition Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10 Banded Good Mornings x 15 Goblet Squat @ 3211 x 6-8 Tall Plank Lid Lateral Leg Slide x 10-15 B) 2 Sets: Tempo Muscle Clean (3 Seconds to Hip) + 2 Front Squat 3...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 7 Minutes: 7 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 70/55 7 Supine Ring Row *Perform 50 ft. plate push between sets Rest 3 Minutes B) AMRAP in 7 Minutes: Row or Bike For Distance
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 2 Sets: Prone Blackburns x 5 Side Lying DB External Rotations x 12 each GHD Hip Extension x 10-15 Supine Ring Face Pulls x 8-12 PVC Overhead Squat @3111 x 6-8 each B) 2 sets 4-8 Muscle Ups 8 DB Incline Bench Press 4-8 Muscle Ups 16 DB Flat Bench Press 4-8 Muscle Ups 32 DB Slight Decline DB Bench Press *Your choice bar or ring muscle up. Perform bench press as drop sets in weight. C) 3 Sets: Prone Flat Bench Barbell Row x 10 (Build to today’s 10RM) 1 Set: Prone Flat Bench Barbell Row x 10 @90% of today’s 10RM) D) 3 Sets: Alternating V-Up + Alternating Bicycle Crunch x 8-10 Reverse Hypers x 15-20 E) Run 2 Sets: 300m fast 45sec rest Rest 3 minutes 2 Sets: 200m fast 200m jog (sub 1min) Rest 3 minutes 2...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (No Measure) A) 1 Sets: Bent Over YTW Raise x 6 each Prone Banded Hip Abduction x 12-15 ( Single Arm DB Upright Row x 8 Side Lying Hip Adduction x 15 each Wrist Banded Shoulder Press x 10 Shoulder Elevated Single Leg Glute Thrust x 8-10 each A1) 4 Sets: Close Grip Bench Press @ 30×1 x 8-6-4-2 *Set grip shoulder width apart. Laying on the bench extend arm straight inline with your shoulders, place hands in that position. A2) 4 Sets: Prone Flat Bench Row @21×1 x 3.3.3 (Rest 10 seconds between 3’s) B1) 3 Sets: Single Arm DB/KB Overhead Carry + Single Arm DB Shoulder Press x 75 ft. + 15 each (Overhead carry 25 ft + 5 Shoulder Press x 3) B2) 3 Sets: Supine Ring Face Pull or Seated Sled Drag Face Pulls x 7-10 B3)...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 1 set Banded Lateral Steps x 10 each Banded Pull a Parts x 10 Russian Step Up x 8 each ( Banded Diagonal Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Good Mornings x 10 Medball Vertical Toss x 5 B) 3 Sets: Back Squat x 10 (Goal is to add 5-10# from last week) Side Plank Star Leg Lifts x 20-30 Seconds ea. 2 Sets: 100m Farmers Carry 10 DB Push Press 20 Walking Lunge 25 Sit Up 20 Walking Lunge 10 DB Push Press 100m Farmers Carry Rest 4 Minutes Competition Metcon (No Measure) 1 set Banded Lateral Steps x 10 each Banded Pull a Parts x 10 Russian Step Up x 8 each ( Banded Diagonal Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Good Mornings x 10 Medball Vertical Toss x 5 This week we’re starting a new cycle....
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