
Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 2 set Banded Lateral Steps x 10 each Banded Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Glute Bridge x 10 Banded Diagonal Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Goblet Squat @3111 x 5 Wall Supported Handstand x 20-30 Seconds B) 4 Sets: Back Squat x 8-6-4-4 Wt. Plank Hold x 30-45 Seconds 3 Rds For Time: 200m Run Then Rd 1 = 3 Rds: 4 Burpee 8 Lunge 12 Sit Ups Rd 2 = 300m Run Then 2 Rds: 6 Burpee 12 Lunges 18 Sit Ups Rd 3 = 400m Run Then 1 Rd: 8 Burpee 16 Lunge 24 Sit Up Competition Metcon (Time) 2 set Banded Lateral Steps x 10 each Banded Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Glute Bridge x 10 Banded Diagonal Pull a Parts x 10 each Banded Goblet Squat @3111 x 5 Wall Supported...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 10 Minutes 5 Push Press (Heavish) 25 ft. Lid Seal Walk or 50 ft. Overhead Carry 100m Run Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 8 Minutes 28 Double Unders 14 DB Renegade Row (7/7) 7 Burpee Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 6 Minutes 6 Strict Pull Ups 4 Parallette/Bench Shoot Throughs or if this isn’t available perform 4 Dips + 4 Diamond Push Ups *For A&B partners alternate movements. For C, both partners work at the same time. Once both partners are done with their given movement, partners which. B) 2-3 Sets: Zottsman Curls x 8-10 DB Tate Press x 8-15 ( Seated Leg Raise Over DB x 20 ( Seated Russian Twist x 20
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) AMRAP in 10 Minutes 5 Deadlift 315/205 25 ft. Lid Seal Walk or 50 ft. Overhead Carry 100m Run Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 8 Minutes 28 Double Unders 14 Single Arm Hang DB Snatch 50/35 or KB Swing 7 Burpee Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 6 Minutes 10 DB Step Ups (5/5) 5 Muscle Ups or Shoot Throughs *For A&B partners alternate movements. For C, both partners work at the same time. Once both partners are done with their given movement, partners which. Competition Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP in 10 Minutes 5 Deadlift 335/225 25 ft. Handstand Walk 100m Run Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 8 Minutes 28 Double Unders 14 Hang DB Snatch 50/35 7 Burpee Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 6 Minutes 10 DB Step Ups (5/5) 5 Ring Muscle Ups *For A&B...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10 Hand to Hand Russian KB Swings x 10 Wall Ball For Height x 8-10 Alternating Reverse V-Up + Reverse Knee to Elbow x 10 B) 3 Sets: (Every 5 minutes) 10 Thrusters 12 Toe To Bar 18/14 Calorie Row 12 Pull Ups 10 Thrusters C) 2-3 Sets: Bulgarian Split Squat x 5-7 each Single Arm DB Bent Over Row x 8-12 each Single Leg DB RDL x 6-8 each Russian Twist x 20 Competition Metcon (Time) A) 2 Sets: Banded TKE x 15 each Banded Face Pulls x 15 Reverse Plank Bridges x 6-10 Hand to Hand Russian KB Swings x 10 Single Arm Overhead Squat @ 3211 x 6-8 Alternating Reverse V-Up + Reverse Knee to Elbow x 10 B) 2 Sets:...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT Metcon (Time) 6 Rds: Every 4 Minutes: Odd Rds: (1, 3, 5) 400m Run 12 Burpee Even Rounds (2, 4, 6) 500/400m Row 12 Box Jump Overs
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