For quite a while we’ve been discussing adding a new class to the schedule. Lately we’ve had a lot of positive feedback regarding the Thursday classes and the programing that usually accompanies it. Therefore the class in which we’re thinking about adding is called “Sweat.” This class will be 45 minutes long, and will consist of high cardio and no barbell. It will incorporate some light resistance training but will be mainly geared towards aerobic conditioning. A Sweat class will generally look like:
Group Warm Up/Mobility
Workout briefing/movement review/tutorial
Workout Example:
For Time:
- 50 Calorie Row
- 25 Burpees
- 50 KB Swings
- 25 Burpees
- 50 Box Jump 12 inches
- 25 Burpee
- 50 Anchored Sit Up
- 25 Burpee
- 50 Calorie Airdyne
If time permits Group cool down/mobility
Before we officially add this class to the schedule we want to make sure there is a want for it. Secondly we were thinking at first offering this class two days each week. Hypothetical day’s maybe Wednesday and Saturday. Times could be 9 or 9:15 am and 4 or 5 pm or Wednesday and on Saturday 9:45 or 10 am. We need your help and opinion on whether there is a want for this class, and if so do these times work? Please let us know ASAP, you can post to comments, write on our Facebook page, email us or talk to us at the gym.