Monday 130114

Warm up:

3 Rds NFT:

  • Pull Ups x 6-10
  • Medball Sit Up Tosses x 15 ea


4 Sets (top every 90 Seconds)

  • Bear Complex x 3 (Reps must be TnG)
  • Double Unders x 15


  • Bear Complex (Clean, Front Squat, Shoulder to Overhead, Back Squat, Shoulder to Overhead)


Amie’s B-Day WOD:
3 Rds AMRAP in 5 Minutes

  • 3 Bear Complex 135/95
  • 6 Pull Up
  • 24 Double Unders
  • Rest 2 Minutes

*Athletes may drop bar during Bear Complex, they do not need to be touch and go.

  • Mobility

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