Wednesday 110504


  • Mobility Work (Foam Roll, Lacrosse Ball, Tennis Ball, Hit the places that are troubling you)


4 Rds AMRAP in 5 Minutes:

  • Run 600 Meters
  • AMRAP with remaining time of:
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 10 Toe Touch Sit Ups
  • Rest 2:30

Coaches Thoughts:

We had a fun visit with Court's nieces Girl Scout Troop when they came to learn about exercise and healthy eating!
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1 Response
  1. Jeffbshea

    Coaches Thoughts?????? Love it! You guys are actors! I think this is an awesome idea and a great way for us to get feedback. Looking forward to more of them. Cant wait til you show us how to deadlift the fridge from inside your new casa 🙂