3 rounds, not for time of:
20 Hip extensions
15 KB Swings, 2 pood
Air Force WOD
For time:
20 Thrusters ,95#
20 Sumo Dead High Pull, 95#
20 Push Jerk, 95# (subbed single-arm DB push jerk/press, 50#)
20 Over Head Squat, 95# (subbed back squat, 135#)
20 Front Squat, 95#
**4 burpees at the top of each minute
Total Time: 9:48
Cruised through the thrusters and got 2 SDHP in the first minute. Finished SDHP in the second minute. But got tripped up big time with the push jerk/press…don’t really remember much after getting there, but they probably took 2 minutes alone. Spent more than 15 minutes flat on my back after this one, then took another 10 minutes of recovery before I felt safe enough to drive home. Ouch!
Looking forward to this one….
You are a beast Aaron!
Why was I looking forward to that????
I did not feel very strong at all during that WOD.
Dissapointed in my performance.
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3 rounds, not for time of:
20 Hip extensions
15 KB Swings, 2 pood
Air Force WOD
For time:
20 Thrusters ,95#
20 Sumo Dead High Pull, 95#
20 Push Jerk, 95# (subbed single-arm DB push jerk/press, 50#)
20 Over Head Squat, 95# (subbed back squat, 135#)
20 Front Squat, 95#
**4 burpees at the top of each minute
Total Time: 9:48
Cruised through the thrusters and got 2 SDHP in the first minute. Finished SDHP in the second minute. But got tripped up big time with the push jerk/press…don’t really remember much after getting there, but they probably took 2 minutes alone. Spent more than 15 minutes flat on my back after this one, then took another 10 minutes of recovery before I felt safe enough to drive home. Ouch!
Looking forward to this one….
You are a beast Aaron!
Why was I looking forward to that????
I did not feel very strong at all during that WOD.
Dissapointed in my performance.