Saturday, July 3, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Perform:

300 ft. Seal Lid Plank Walk (Partners alternate 25 ft. segments, 6×25 ft)


20 Rds

1 Rope Climb or 3 Strict Pull Ups

4 Handstand Push Ups or 4 DB Shoulder Press

6 Alternating DB Snatch (3/3) 70/50

*Partners Alternate Movements


300m Farmers Carry


Metcon (Time)

With a Partner Perform:

300 ft. Handstand Walk (Partners Alternate 25 ft.)


20 Rds

1 Legless Rope Climb

4 Strict Handstand Push Ups

6 Alternating DB Snatch (3/3) 100/70

*Partners Alternate Movements


300m Farmers Carry (Both Partners Carry)

3 Sets:

Banded DB Incline Press x 4-6

Diamond Push Up x Max Reps

GH Raise x 4-6

Ab Rollout x 10-15

3 Sets:

Stationary Dip x 6-8

Prone Incline Row Iso Hold x 20 Seconds + 6-8 Barbell Row

Banded Front Raise to Band Pull a Parts x 10

Reverse Hypers x 8-12

GHD Oblique Paddles x 8-12 each

2 Sets:

Barbell Curl Complex x 7 ea (supinated, mixed, mixed, pronated)

DB/BB Triceps Complex x 7 ea. (pull overs, skull crusher, close grip press)