Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Surge Muscle
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a Partner Perform:
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
P1 = 200m Run w/medball
P2 = AMRAP of Alternating Rds between A & B
A) 1 Rd:
3 Power Clean 135/95 or Box Jumps
6 Push Up
9 Toe to Bar
B) 1 Rd:
2 Muscle Ups or 4 Strict Dip
4 Handstand Push Ups or DB Shoulder Press
8 KB Swings 70/55
*Running partner is the work timer for partner performing AMRAP. Once ruining partner returns, partners switch and resume where amrap partner left off.
*If performing solo perform 1 round of A, run 200m, 1 round of B for 20 minutes)
D1) 3 Sets:
Incline 1 1/4 DB Bench Press
@ 31X1 x 6-8
D2) 3 Sets:
Hand Anchored Bent Over Landmine Row @2112 x 8-12
D3) 3 sets
Double DB 8 Way Shoulder Raise x 6-8 ea. (Upright row into DB lateral raise to front raise overhead to front raise to shoulder to lateral raise to eccentric upright row)
D4 3 Sets:
GHD Russian Twist x 16-20 or Russian Twist x 16-20
E) 2 Set:
12-14-16 DB Curl
12-14-16 Supine DB Rolling
Triceps Extensions
3 Plate Pinch Around the worlds (
(Perform as a drop set. Perform 12 reps, drop weight and perform 14 reps, drop weight and perform 16 reps)