Friday, April 9, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Wall Press Dead Bug x 5 each

Blackburns x 5

Push Up + Scapular Push Up x 5

Banded Face Pulls x 10

1 minute Jump Rope

B) For Time: (10 Minute Cap)

3 Rds:

10 Strict Handstand Push Up

10 DB Hang Power Clean 50/35

50 Double Under

Rest 1 Minute

3 Rds:

10 Handstand Push Up (Kipping)

10 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50/35

50 Double Under

C) 3 Sets:

Close Grip Bench Press x 6 (Use the same weight for all 3 sets, place hands directly inline with shoulders)

Band Pull a Parts x 20


Metcon (Time)

A) 2 Sets:

Wall Press Dead Bug x 5 each

Blackburns x 5

Push Up + Scapular Push Up x 5

Banded Face Pulls x 10

1 minute Jump Rope

B) 3 Sets:

3 Tall Jerk + 3 Shoulder Press in Split Position

Single Arm DB Row x 8 each

C) 5 Sets:

Power Clean + Jerk Dip + Push Jerk + Jerk (Build to 6-8 RPE, let technique be focus)

Banded Pull a Parts x 15

D) 3 Sets:

Banded Snatch Deadlift x 5 @ 90-95%

E) For Time:

3 Rds:

10 Strict Handstand Push Up

10 DB Hang Power Clean 50/35

50 Double Under

Rest 1 Minute

3 Rds:

10 Handstand Push Up (Kipping)

10 DB Shoulder to Overhead 50/35

50 Double Under