Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Metcon (Calories)
With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 25 Minutes
100 Front Rack Lunge 95/65
50 Bar Muscle Up or 50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
40 Power Clean 185/125 or Deadlift
15 Rope Climb or 30 Strict Rope Pull Ups or x 2 Supine Row
In Remaining Time:
AMRAP Calorie Row or Bike
Metcon (Calories)
With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 25 Minutes
100 Overhead Lunge 95/65
50 Bar Muscle Up
50 Power Clean 185/125 or Sandbag Clean
20 Rope Climb or Peg Board Ascents
In Remaining Time:
AMRAP Calorie Row or Bike
B) 3 Sets:
4 Pendlay Row + 8 Sumo Stance RDL + 3 Pendlay Row + 6 Sumo Stance RDL + 2 Pendlay Row + 4 Sumo RDL + 1 Pendlay Row + 2 Sumo RDL
Tempo Eccentric Only Parallette Handstand Push Up @41K1 x 4-6
B) Full ROM Plate Front Raise @ 3111 x 6-8
Full ROM DB Lateral Raise @ 3111 x 6-8
Alternating Chain Front Raise + Chain Lateral Raise x 20 Seconds
Single Leg Hip Extension x 8-12
C) 3 Sets:
Single DB Banded Preacher Curls @2111 x 8-12
Single DB Low Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions
Single Leg Reverse Hypers x 12-15