Saturday, December 8, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Metcon (Time)

With a partner complete For Time: (20 min cap)

100 Push Press 75/55 (partner holds handstand against wall or double dbs overhead or top of push up)

600m Run

100 Pull Ups (partner holds hang from Pull Up bar)

600m Run

100 Burpees to 6″ target (partner holds wall sit)


Metcon (Time)

With a partner complete For Time:

100 Push Press 95/65 (partner holds handstand against wall)

600m Run

100 Pull Ups (partner holds chin over bar pull up)

600m Run

100 Burpees to 6″ target (partner holds wall sit)


3 sets

3 position bench x 8 each (wide, neutral, close)

Incline batwing row x 6 heavy + 12 lighter load

Pull lower

3 sets:

Barbell front rack step up x 8 each

Knee on Bench Single Leg RDL x 8 each

Banded lateral steps x 15 each


3-5 sets

:30 Seconds L-Sit/knee tuck hold

:30 Seconds ghd sit ups

:30 Seconds ghd hip extensions

:30 seconds overhead carry

:30 Seconds Strict toe to bar

*:10 seconds transition between movements