Muscle: Saturday, November 17, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – Muscle

Tempo Thruster/Ski

5 Sets:

Tempo Thruster @ 20×1 x5 (Building)

Rest 20 Seconds

1 Minute Ski for distance

Rest 2 Minutes

*Weight can be taken from rack. Goal is to increase weight and distance each set


3 Sets:

Barbell Hip Thrusts x 10-12

Single Leg RDL @31×1 x 6-8 each

Plank hold on elbows x 30-45 Seconds

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a Partner Perform:

A) AMRAP in 3 Minutes

8 Barbell Curl

20 yard Gun Walk with Plate

Rest 1 Minute

B) AMRAP in 3 Minutes

12 Banded Triceps extension

10 yard Crab Walk