Thursday, November 15, 2018

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT


Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)

A) AMRAP in 7 Minutes:

10 Plank weight pass throughs (5/5)

10 yard seal walk

5 Burpee

10 yard seal walk

Rest 3 Minutes

B) AMRAP 7 Minutes

10 Sit Ups

10 DB Renegade Row (5/5)

20 Mountain Climber


Little change Up

For 45 minutes rotate through the following, resting as needed, form, not fatigue focus

12x- Alternating Pistols (focus on balance and control. Don’t “rep” them out. Take your time and use your spatial awareness to stay balanced)

6x- Kipping Pull-Ups (focus on a tight arch and perfect form-NO BENT KNEES

12x-Ring Swings (focus on a long arch on back swing and round hollow on front swing)

6x-Kipping Ring Dips (focus on pushing out as the knees swing forward)