Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded Lateral Steps x 10 yrds RT/LT
Hand to Hand Russian KB Swing x 8 Each
PVC Pass Through x 10
PVC Overhead Squat x 10
2-5 Second Ring Support Hold Top + 2-5 Seconds Bottom of Dip Hold Bottom x 3 (Top of push up hold/2″ off ground hold)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
A) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
9/7 Muscle Ups/18 Pull Up + 18 Push Ups
20 Overhead Squats 95/65
Remaining Time:
AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes:
B) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
7/5 Muscle Ups/15 Pull Ups + 15 Push Ups
20 Front Squat 135/95
Remaining TIme:
AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes
C) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
5/3 Muscle Ups/12 Pull Ups + 12 Push Ups
20 Back Squat 185/125
Remaining Time:
AMRAP Double Unders
Perform Pull Ups on Rings in your able to
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
A) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
15/12 Muscle Ups
30 Overhead Squats 115/75
Remaining Time:
AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes:
B) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
12/9 Muscle Ups
24 Squat Snatch 115/75
Remaining TIme:
AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes
C) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
9/6 Muscle Ups
30 Power Snatch 115/75
Remaining Time:
AMRAP Double Unders