Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Warm-up (No Measure)
With a light to moderate KB/DB complete the following as a complex with 1 arm, rest 30 seconds and repeat on the other arm. 2 rounds on each arm:
5 Turkish sit ups (
1/2 Turkish Get Up (from back to standing)
5 push press, 3 second hold at the top
5 Goblet Squat or 1 arm waiter squats, 3 second hold at the bottom
5 1 arm thruster
5 1 arm ohs
1/2 TGU (Standing to back)
Essentials/Performance Strength
Tempo Front Squat
4×3 @5210
Competition -Strength
A: Tempo Front Squat
4×3 (Up to 70%) @5210
B: Deadlift (EMOM)
8×6 @60%
Metcon (Time)
Pick 1
A) For Time:
30 Clean & Jerk 135/95
B) With a Partner Complete For Time:
“Partner Double Grace”
60 Clean & Jerk 135/95