Tomorrow is our first ever Friday Benchmark day. Each week on Friday we will select a different Benchmark WOD to do, whether it’s a Hero WOD or one of the Girl WOD’s. Each week will present a different challenge, and at the same time allow us to monitor our progress.
For Time:
- 75 Reps Power Snatch 75# Men 55# Women
Extra Credit
3 Rds for Time:
- 25 Hip Extension
- 25 Knee to Elbow
Below is an excellent link to the Burgener Warm Up. This video demonstrates a warm up routine put together by Coach Mile Burgener who is the owner of Mike’s Gym in Bonsall, Califorina. He is an Olympic lifting expert and a great Functional Fitness coach. This warm up incorporates all the correct moves involved in the snatch and really another Olympic lift. We will start to incorporate this warm up in to our daily dynamic warm up routine. In addition this video demonstrates how all the exercises performed in this warm up transfers into other lifts we use almost everyday in Functional Fitness.
Aaron: 8:19 as Rx’d
Shannon: 8:11 #65
George: 8:55 #65
Rick: 12:35 #65
Rx’d: 8:19