Monday 100531


We are going to to be doing two classes tomorrow morning. Since we have so many couples that have little kiddo’s, we re going to break it up a little different and have a guys class and a girls class.  Court will be coaching the guys class and Brandon will be participating and Brandon will coach the girls class and Court will be participating. Stayed tuned for which HERO WOD we will be doing tomorrow!

See you all then!

Memorial Day WOD

Thanks to FRCF for the idea behind this WOD.  This past Friday, May 28th the US took its 1000th casualty in Afghanistan.  This workout will be in honor of all those who have fallen fighting for all of us. 

The Memorial 1000

1000 reps for time of:

  • push-ups
  • pull-up
  • sit-up
  • squat
  • kettlebell swing
  • wall ball
  • ball slam
  • burpee
  • lunge
  • dips
  • Tuck Jump

You can do the exercises in any combination to achieve your 1000 reps. We will do this in teams of 2 or 3 athlete, during the workout only one athlete can work at a time.

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2 Responses
  1. Aaron

    This looks interesting…it is going to require some strategy…the difference between 2 or 3 athletes is an interesting variable.

  2. Aaron

    Great job Jake, Shannon, and Chip! Brandon, way to set the pace for us and doing this WOD solo…500+ reps of anything is a whole lot of volume.