Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Workout Intent: We are going to change up the format from what it has been of weightlifting Wednesday, and move it to Tuesdays for this block of training.  Today we’re going to focus more on building lower body strength and midline stability.  For the strength make the focus be technique and speed under the bar.  On the front squats make sure you stay with the tempo and focus on position and form throughout the entire set.  On the conditioning portion choose a weight that is going to challenge you throughout the step ups and lunges but your still able to complete the sets unbroken.


Warm Up:

2 Sets:

  • Suitcase Deadlift x 10 ea.
  • Side Plank Hold x 10-20 seconds ea.
  • Band Pull a Parts x 12-15


A) 5 Sets:

  • Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats

B) 4 Sets:

  • Tempo Front Squat x 4 (3 seconds down, 1 sec pause, up fast, 1 second pause)


3 Sets:


  • 10 DB Step Up (5/5)
  • 10 DB Reverse Lunges (5/5)
  • 10 Hip Ext.
  • 20 yard Seal Walk
  • Rest 2 Minutes
  • Mobility


Warm Up:

2 Sets:

  • Suitcase Deadlift x 10 ea.
  • Side Plank Hold x 10-20 seconds ea.
  • Band Pull a Parts x 12-15


A) 5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Snatch Grip Deadlift + 3 Position Snatch (Above knee, below knee, floor) @ 60% of 1RM

B) 4 Sets:

  • Tempo Front Squat x 4 (3 seconds down, 1 sec pause, up fast, 1 second pause)


3 Sets:

  • 10 DB Step Up (5/5)
  • 10 DB Reverse Lunges (5/5)
  • 10 Hip Ext.
  • 20 yard Seal Walk
  • Rest 2 Minutes
  • Mobility


Warm up:

2 Sets:

  • Suitcase Deadlift x 10 ea.
  • Side Plank Hold x 10-20 seconds ea.
  • Band Pull a Parts x 12-15


A) 5 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)

  • Snatch Grip Deadlift + 3 Position Snatch (Above knee, below knee, floor) @ 60% of 1RM

B) 4 Sets:

  • Snatch Pulls x 3 @70%

C) 4 Sets:

  • Tempo Front Squat x 4 (3 sec down, 1 sec pause, fast up, 1 sec pause

D) 1 Set:

  • Front Squat x AMRAP @60%

E) 3 Sets:

  • Back Rack Step Up + Reverse Lunge x 5 ea.
  • DB RDL x 8-12


Gymnastics Skill:

8 Sets:

A) Duck Squats with medball x 20 seconds on/10 seconds off

B) L-Hang from Bar x 10 seconds on/20 seconds off

  • Mobility