Programming Update:
For the next several weeks we’re going to be performing some testing. During these weeks it’s extremely important that you try and be as fresh as possible, to insure your best and true performance. We’re going to perform a wide range of tests, but these tests will help measure your current fitness level and help measure progress as we proceed.
Strength/Skill: |
Warm Up:
Strength: A)10 Minutes to Find:
B) 10 Minutes to Find:
Skill: |
WOD: |
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
Additional: |
Strength/Skill: |
Warm Up:
Strength: A) 10 Minutes to Find:
B) 10 Minutes to Find:
C) 10 Minutes to Find:
Skill: |
WOD: |
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
Additional: |
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
Strength: A) 10 Minutes to Find:
B) 10 Minutes to Find:
C) 10 Minutes to Find:
Skill: |
WOD: |
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
Additional: |