Saturday 140705


Warm up:

  • Russian KB Swings x 55


With a Partner Perform 3 Sets Each:

  • :20 Anchored Sit Up
  • :20 Anchored Russian Twist
  • :20 Partner Toe Throws

*Partners will alternate sets.

With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 20 Minutes:


  • Bench Press
  • Power Clean

*One partner works while one partner rests.
Partner 1 will do one rep of each movement and then Partner 2 will do one rep of each movement. Partner 1 will do 2 reps of each and then partner 2 will do 2 reps of each, etc. If you and your partner complete the ladder up and back down, repeat the ladder again

  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

  • Russian KB Swing x 55


With a Partner Perform 3 Sets Each:

  • :20 Anchored Sit Up
  • :20 Anchored Russian Twist
  • :20 Partner Toe Throws

*Partners will alternate sets.


With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 20 Minutes:


  • Bench Press 225/135 (If 225/135 is heavier then the this Wendler Method cycles 85% us your 85%, otherwise use 225/135)
  • Power Clean 225/135

*One partner works while one partner rests.
Partner 1 will do one rep of each movement and then Partner 2 will do one rep of each movement. Partner 1 will do 2 reps of each and then partner 2 will do 2 reps of each, etc. If you and your partner complete the ladder up and back down, repeat the ladder again

  • 10 Minutes Mobility


Warm up:

  • Russian KB Swing x 55


A) For max reps:

  • 30 Seconds of Muscle Ups
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • 30 Seconds of Toes to Bar
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • 30 Seconds of Handstand Walk (for max distance)
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • 45 Seconds of Muscle Ups
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 45 Seconds of Toes to Bar
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 45 Seconds of Handstand Walk (for max distance)
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • 60 Seconds of Muscle Ups
  • 60 Seconds of Toes to Bar
  • 60 Seconds of Handstand Walk (for max distance)

Note results as in the following example:
30s = 12/19/40 feet
45s = 11/21/35 feet
60s = 9/24/55 feet

B) 3 Sets: (Perform after WOD)

  • Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 6-8 @ 2014 (2 Sec dwn, 0 pause, 1 sec up, 4 sec pause)
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Seated Leg Curls with Band x 12-15


With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 20 Minutes:


  • Bench Press 225/135
  • Power Clean 225/135

*One partner works while one partner rests.
Partner 1 will do one rep of each movement and then Partner 2 will do one rep of each movement. Partner 1 will do 2 reps of each and then partner 2 will do 2 reps of each, etc. If you and your partner complete the ladder up and back down, repeat the ladder again

  • 10 Minutes Mobility
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