Thursday 130314

Warm up:Complete with a partner 3 Rds NFT:

  • 15 Sec Handstand Hold
  • 10 Lateral MB Tosses ea


3 Sets:

  • Bench Press x 5 @ 80%
  • Wall Balls x 15-20 (Unbroken)


For Total Reps:6 Rds Tabata (:20 Seconds Work/:10 Seconds Rest)

  • Pull Ups
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • 10 yrd Shuttle

Rest 1 Minute

6 Rds Tabata

  • DB Snatch Alternating Arms
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • 10 yrd Shuttle

*Complete all 8 rounds of Pull Ups before moving onto the 8 rounds of 10 yrd shuttle runs.  Follow the same sequence for the 6 rounds of the DB Snatch.

  • Mobility

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