
April 13, 2016
As some of you know on June 4-5 we’re hosting Drs. Sean Pastuch and Jeremy Todd from Performance Care for a two day workshop.  Athletes such as Samantha Briggs, Brooke Wells, Noah Olsen, Dani Horan, Jared Stevens and many more Functional Fitness Games athletes have sought out the help of this team.  Their “bulletproof” programs...
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Essentials Strength/Skill: Warm up: 3 Sets: :15 Jumping Jack :15 Squats :15 Mountain Climber :15 Jump Squat 3 Sets: :15 Plank Hold :15 Side Plank :15 Side Plank :15 Superman Hold Strength: Skill: WOD: 5 Sets: (Every 5 Minutes Start a New Set) 500m Row 400m Run Additional: 10 Minutes Mobility—- Coaches choice Performance Strength/Skill:...
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Essentials Strength/Skill: Warm Up: Dynamic Warm Up Strength: A) 12 Minutes: Find 1 RM Clean and Jerk B) 12 Minutes: Find 1 RM Front Squat C) Max Unbroken Pullups (any technique) Skill: WOD: For Time: 2K Row Or 1 Mile Run Additional: 10 Minutes Mobility Performance Strength/Skill: Warm Up: Dynamic Warm UP Strength: A) 12 Minutes: Find 1...
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