
September 15, 2014
Essentials Strength/Skill: Warm up: Dynamic Warm Up Strength: A) 3 Sets: 1A) DB Bench Press x 10 1B) Plank Hold x 45-60 Seconds Skill: WOD: AMRAP in 15: 30 Wall Balls 30 Mountain Climbers 25 Step Ups 25 Sit Ups 20 Burpee 20 KB Swings 15 DB Shoulder to Overhead 15 Pull Ups Additional: 10...
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  We are going to be starting a mind/body course at Surge! I have put together this questionnaire to get you started thinking a little deeper about you; your goals, your work, your family, your Self and your life. Please take some time to fill it out – even if you don’t go any further...
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