Carlye throwing weight around at the “Hell of the West.”
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
Strength: A) 4 Sets: (Every 90 Minutes)
(Pause for 3 seconds at each of the following positions: 2″ off the floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, “pockets”/high hang – USE STRAPS) B) 7 Sets: (EMOM)
Build over coarse of 7 Sets Skill: |
WOD: |
10 Sets: (Every 90 Seconds)
Additional: |
Strength/Skill: | |
Warm up:
Strength: A) 4 Sets: (Every 90 Minutes)
(Pause for 3 seconds at each of the following positions: 2″ off the floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, “pockets”/high hang – USE STRAPS) B) 7 Sets: (EMOM)
Build over coarse of 7 Sets Skill: |
Adam L’s B-Day WOD: |
A) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Rest 1 Minute B) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Rest 1 Minute C) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Additional: | |
Strength/Skill: |
Warm up:
Strength: A) 4 Sets: (Every 90 Minutes)
(Pause for 3 seconds at each of the following positions: 2″ off the floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, “pockets”/high hang – USE STRAPS) B) 7 Sets: (EMOM)
Build over coarse of 7 Sets Skill: |
A) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Rest 1 Minute B) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Rest 1 Minute C) AMRAP in 5 Minutes:
Additional: |