Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets:
Wall Slides x 10
Side Lying DB Lateral Raise x 10 ea.
1/2 Kneeling Partner Assisted Banded 1/2 Russian Twist x 8 ea.
Essential- Strength
A: Bench Press
3 Sets:
Set 1 = 6 Reps
Set 2 = 4 Reps
Set 3 = 2 Reps
B: Alternating Bent Over DB Row/Prone Incline DB Lateral Raise
3 Sets
Alternating Bent Over DB Row x 8 ea. (Alternating from the top)
Prone Incline DB Lateral Raise x 8
Performance- Strength
A: Wendler Bench Press
3 Sets:
Set 1 = 5@75%
Set 2 = 3@85%
Set 3 = 2+@95%
% Based off 90% +5-10 LBs
B: Alternating Bent Over DB Row/Prone Incline DB Lateral Raise
3 Sets
Alternating Bent Over DB Row x 8 ea. (Alternating from the top)
Prone Incline DB Lateral Raise x 8
Competition -Strength
A: Power Snatch
5×1 (Every 90 Seconds, Up to 70%)
*Choose the position you feel you need to work the most on from.
B: Power Clean
5×1 (Every 90 Seconds, Up to 70%)
*Choose the position you feel you need to work the most from.
Essentials/Performance Metcon
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x 10 (5 Sets Each)
Odd Minutes = 30-40 Single Unders + 10-15 Push Ups
Even Minutes = 30-40 Single Unders + 10-15 Inverted Barbell Row
B: Metcon (Time)
Optional Additional
For Time (10 Minute Cap)
150 gymnastics crunches: (
*EMOM Start With 6 Calorie Row
Competition Metcon
A: Metcon (Time)
3 Rds For Time:
18 Strict Rope Pull Ups (9 with RT Hand on Top, 9 with LT Hand on Top)
24 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
48 Double Unders
144 Single Unders
3 Minutes Rest Between Rds
B: Metcon (Time)
For Time (10 Minute Cap)
150 gymnastics crunches: (
*EMOM Start With 6 Calorie Row