Bench Press (Working off 90% of 1 RM)
- 6 @ 75%
- 6 @ 80%
- 5 @ 85%
- 4+ @ 90%
AMRAP in 12 Minutes
- 6 Pistols
- 9 DB Split Clean
- 12 Ball Slams

Coaches Thoughts: Today we thought we’d throw in a little bit of everything, from strength, to some skill gymnastics, combined with Olympic lifting and explosive met con work with med ball slams. Everyone did a great job attacking the pistols today, especially those who have never attempted a pistol before. Congrats to Karmen who successfully performed her first pistol. In addition for the most part everyone cleans where great, you all did a much better job on using your hips to jump the weight up, shrugging and than driving under the weight. A couple notable performances of the day go to Julie and Amber B who both bench pressed more weight than either of them have ever done before for reps none the less, and than followed it up with almost getting their first unassisted pull ups. Finally Susan did a great job rocking the pistols, she was the only one all day to complete the WOD Rxd, great job today.