Monday 130311

Open Gym Hours this week are: Tuesday 9-11 am & Wednesday 9-11 am.

Warm up:3 Rds NFT:

  • Wall Ball x 10
  • Double Unders x 20-40
  • Supine Row x 8-10


3 Sets:

  • Ring Support Hold x 20 Seconds + Max Ring Dips
  • Wt. Hip Ext. x 8-12 (Wt. on Shoulders, use barbell or other object)


15 Rds For Time: (15 Minute Cap)

  • 3 Strict Pull Ups
  • 6 Toe To Bar
  • 9 Push Ups

*This WOD will have a time cap and a minimum amount of time to work.  If you complete 15 Rds in under 12 minutes perform AMRAP in 12 minutes.  For example if an athlete complete 15 Rds in 10 minutes they will continue to work for 2 more minutes.  If an athlete completes 15 Rds in 12:01 their score for the WOD will be 12:01 for time.

  • Accumulate 3 Minutes Wall Facing Handstand Hold
  • Mobility

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